DriveMe is concerned with the quality of professional drivers in the logistics industry. We know that there exist little to no control over the amount of incompetent drivers on the road especially in the month of December.
Data carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reveals that Nigeria recorded a total of 3,345 road traffic crashes in the first quarter of 2022, with an average of 37 road crashes per day.
This data is alarming and calls for drastic action on the path of both the road safety officials and the motorists themselves to reduce the risks involved in road commute.
At DriveMe we have taken it upon ourselves to join the league of superheroes of the Nigerian mobility sector by educating drivers in an effort to reduce the risk of unnecessary road accidents.
We offer physical and virtual trainings that cover a range of courses such as the different traffic codes or laws as well as vehicle operation, handling and several other driving related courses.
Our training aims to warn of dangerous conditions in driving such as road conditions, driver impairments, and hazardous weather conditions.
It’s been proven that theory and practical education creates a bigger memory imprint and is perfect for information retention.
In light of this, we use our instructional videos to demonstrate the proper driving strategies and the consequences for not abiding by the rules.
The fundamentals of driving are reinforced in these classes, including the importance of turn-signal usage, keeping a safe distance behind others, and maintaining situational awareness.
We also use our social media platforms to create awareness and to teach the public on the right way to drive.
It can be argued that DriveMe is at the forefront in advocating for more efficient and safer traffic flow and has been influential in the increase of a more hands-on training and strengthening of driving principles.